The OECD Recommendation of the Council on Public Integrity calls on adherents to “ensure that enforcement mechanisms provide appropriate responses to all suspected violations of public integrity standards by public officials and others involved in the violations, in particular through:
a) Applying fairness, objectivity and timeliness in the enforcement of public integrity standards (including detecting, investigating, sanctioning and appeal) through the disciplinary, administrative, civil, and/or criminal process;
b) Promoting mechanisms for co-operation and exchange of information between the relevant bodies, units and officials (at the organisational, subnational or national level) to avoid overlap and gaps, and to increase the timeliness and proportionality of enforcement mechanisms;
c) Encouraging transparency within public sector organisations and to the public about the effectiveness of the enforcement mechanisms and the outcomes of cases, in particular through developing relevant statistical data on cases, while respecting confidentiality and other relevant legal provisions.”
Questions for self-assessment: